

We invest in your people

We can provide training for your employees, teams and managers to enrich their knowledge on the current job and/or to prepare them for future roles. We can also help you build a succession planning process to identify key positions for future growth and the employees most able to fill those roles.

  • Interpersonal Skills Training
  • Leadership Development



How is Your team Performing?

We have the expertise to help you build and execute an annual performance review and feedback process. 

  • Goal Setting
  • Personal Development planning
  • Mid-Year/Year-End Review Discussions


Resolution Strategies

Are employees not getting along?

Is there a lack of collaboration across the different departments/functional groups/teams?  We can get at the root of the problem and work with the employees, departments, functional groups or teams to design strategies that enable them to work together more effectively.


Facilitation Solutions

We work with groups of all sizes

We can work with groups of all sizes, from small to large, to convey company vision and values, design an “all hands on deck” meeting, engage employees in giving feedback for management in a non-threatening environment, or create and conduct team building and team effectiveness events.

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pick my brain sessions

Pick My Brain

1 Session


per session

1hr consulting session

Pick My Brain

4 Sessions


per month

1hr consulting session (4)